ep162 Monthly Platform 202409



第 162 回のテーマは 2024 年 9 月の Monthly Platform です。

Show Note

Chrome 動向

Stable: 129


  • New in Chrome 129
  • What's new in DevTools, Chrome 129
    • https://developer.chrome.com/blog/new-in-devtools-129
    • Recorder supports export to Puppeteer for Firefox
    • Performance panel improvements
      • Live metrics observations
      • Search requests in the Network track
      • See stack traces of performance.mark and performance.measure calls
    • Use test address data in the Autofill panel
    • Elements panel improvements
      • Force more states for specific elements
      • Elements > Styles now autocompletes more grid properties
    • Lighthouse 12.2.0
    • Miscellaneous highlights
  • What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 129)
  • Chrome 130 beta
    • https://developer.chrome.com/blog/chrome-130-beta
    • CSS
      • CSS Container Queries flat tree lookup
      • CSS Nesting: The nested declarations rule
      • Full and unprefixed box-decoration-break support
      • Allow more pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes after ::part()
    • Web APIs
      • Attribution Reporting API feature (Attribution Scopes)
      • Attribution Reporting API feature (debug key privacy improvement)
      • Compression dictionary transport with shared Brotli and shared Zstandard
      • Concurrent smooth scrollIntoView()
      • Document picture-in-picture: add option to ignore window bounds cache
      • Improved error reporting in IndexedDB for large value read failures
      • Keyboard focusable scroll containers
      • Protected Audience Bidding and Auction Services
      • Support non-special scheme URLs
      • WebAssembly JavaScript String Builtins
      • WebGPU: Dual source blending
      • Web Serial: connected attribute and RFCOMM connection events
    • Origin trials in progress
      • Language Detector API
      • WebAuthn attestationFormats
    • Deprecations and removals
      • Remove expectedImprovement in DelegatedInkTrailPresenter
      • Deprecate non-standard GPUAdapter requestAdapterInfo() method



Firefox 動向

Stable: 130.0




MDN / Open Web Docs

Standard Position

  • 今月 Close された Issue と PR ものをみる
  • Positive
    • DOM State-preserving move (Node.prototype.moveBefore)
    • FileSystemObserver
    • MediaStreamTrackProcessor and VideoTrackGenerator
    • No-Vary-Search
    • Style Container Queries (for custom properties)
    • Transferable RTCDataChannel
    • WebRTC Codec selection API
    • css-ui field-sizing property
    • fetchLater() API
  • Negative
    • FYI Private State Token API Permissions Policy Default Allowlist Wildcard
    • Isolated Web Apps
  • Other
    • Firefox will consider a Rust implementation of JPEG-XL by bholley · Pull Request #1064 · mozilla/standards-positions


Safari 動向

Stable: 18.0


  • Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 203 | WebKit
    • https://webkit.org/blog/15860/release-notes-for-safari-technology-preview-203/
    • CSS
      • Added support for scrollbar-gutter.
      • Added support for cursor in ::marker.
      • Added support for ruby-overhang.
    • JS
      • Added support for Iterator.prototype.constructor and Iterator.prototype[@@toStringTag].
      • Added support for Iterator.from from Iterator Helpers Proposal.
      • Remove obsoleted Temporal.Instant API.
    • Media
      • Added support for allowing websites to override the system-default accessibility caption styling.
    • WebApps
      • Parse dir member of Web Application Manifest.
    • WebAssembly
      • Added support for return_call_ref.
    • Web Inspector
      • Added support for sourcemaps to be blackboxed.
      • Added support for showing boundThis for arrow functions in the console.
  • WebKit Features in Safari 18.0 | WebKit
    • https://webkit.org/blog/15865/webkit-features-in-safari-18-0/
    • New in Safari 18
      • Distraction Control
        • 邪魔なバナーやポップアップを非表示にする
      • Viewer
        • 動画をフルスクリーンで見れたり
      • iPhone Mirroring and remote inspection
        • Mac から iPhone を使ってデバッグが簡単に
    • Web apps for Mac
      • Opening links
        • インストールされたアプリが優先で開く
      • Extension support
        • アプリでも拡張が使える
    • CSS
      • View Transitions
      • Style Queries
      • currentcolor and system color keywords in Relative Color Syntax
      • Translucent accent colors
        • アクセントカラーでアルファの指定
      • Animating display
      • Backdrop Filter
      • Content visibility
      • And more
        • prefers-contrast
    • Spatial Web
      • WebXR
      • Spatial photos and panoramas
      • Shaping interaction regions on visionOS
      • Video on visionOS
    • HTML
      • Writing Suggestions
      • Switch
        • <input switch> で触覚フィードバック
      • Date and time inputs
      • ARIA
        • aria-braillelabel
        • aria-brailleroledescription
    • JavaScript
      • RegExp の v flag
      • PopStateEvent's hasUAVisualTransition
      • subresource integrity in imported module
      • Request, Response, Blob, PushMessageDate に byets()
      • ​​document.fragmentDirective
    • Web API
      • URL.parse
    • Canvas
    • Managed Media Source
      • MMS, MSE の worker サポート
    • WebRTC
    • HTTPS
      • Auto Upgrade Mixed Contents (lv2)
    • WebGL
    • Web Inspector
    • Passkeys
    • Safari Extensions
    • Apple Pay
    • Deprecations
      • Canvas
      • CSS
      • Images
        • deprecate JPEG2000
        • UA 見て返してる CDN は注意
      • JavaScript
      • Media
      • Storage
        • AppCache 削除
      • SVG
      • Web API
      • WebView
    • Bug Fixes and more
      • Accessibility
      • Animations
      • Apple Pay
      • Authentication
      • Canvas
      • CSS
      • Editing
      • Forms
      • History
      • HTML
      • JavaScript
      • Loading
      • Media
      • Networking
      • PDF
      • Rendering
      • Scrolling
      • Security
      • SVG
      • Text
      • Web Animations
      • Web API
      • Web Apps
      • Web Assembly
      • Web Extensions
      • Web Inspector
      • Web Views
      • WebDriver
      • WebRTC
  • Get Ready for Interop 2025: Your Chance to Shape the Web | WebKit

Standard Positions


Edge 動向

Stable: 129





Open UI

WHATNOT meeting


TC39 動向


  • Meeting Note が公開された時だけやる、それ以外はやらない。

Proposals Diff

  • 0->1
  • 1->2
  • 2->2.7
  • 2.7->3
  • 3->4

New Proposals






CDN 動向







Wrap Up

  • Chrome
  • 129
    • scheduler.yield()
    • animations with intrinsic sizes
  • 130 beta
    • CSS Nesting: Nested Declarations rule
    • Compression dict with shared Brotli/Zstandard
  • Ship
    • font-variant-emoji
    • currentcolor in RCS
  • Prototype
    • Document-Policy: expect-no-linked-resources
    • Popover invoker and anchor positioning
    • highlightsFromPoint
    • CSS stretch
  • web.dev
    • Chrome ends support for FID
    • Interop 2025
  • Chrome Developers
    • What's missing from HTML and CSS
    • Customizable select
    • CSS masonry
  • Google Security Blog
    • new path for Kyber
  • other blogs
    • AVIF in Google Search
  • other
    • Chromium contributors chart
  • Firefox
    • 130
      • <details name>
      • WebCodecs
    • Ship
      • Regex modifiers
      • CHIPS
      • requestVideoFrameCallback
      • Fetch Priority
    • Prototype
      • blocking third-party cookies
      • CookieStore API
      • autocorrect
      • Promise.try
      • CSS Nested Declarations Rule
      • interactive-widget
    • other intents
      • unship HTTP/2 Push
    • Standard Position
      • positive
        • No-Vary-Search
        • Style Queries
        • fetchLater()
      • negative
        • ISA
    • other
      • Servo passing 1.3M wpt tests
  • Safari
    • TP 203
      • scrollbar-gutter
      • ruby-overhang
      • Iterator helpers
    • 18.0
      • New in Safari 18
        • Distraction Control
      • Web apps
      • CSS
        • View Transitions
        • Style Queries
        • currentcolor in RCS
        • Animating display
        • content-visibility
      • Spatial Web
        • WebXR
      • HTML
        • writingsuggestion
      • JavaScript
        • bytes()
        • document.fragmentDirective
      • API
        • URL.parse()
    • Standard Position
      • Positive
        • CSS background-clip
        • Shape function
    • Other
      • iPhone 16 で JPEG-XL サポート
  • Edge
    • Interop 2025
    • TPAC
      • 来月
    • Draft
      • CSS Grid Layout Module Level 3
      • CSS Values and Units Module
    • Open/UI
      • Invoker touch events
    • WHATNOT meeting
      • Stylable Select 周り
    • Other
      • Fonts, Privacy, and Not Breaking the Web
  • TC39
    • Oracle が持つ JavaScript の商標の話


  • WinterCG
  • IETF
    • RFC 9659 on Window Sizing for Zstandard Content Encoding
  • CDN 動向
    • Cloudflare が Speculation Rules を入れた話
  • セキュリティ動向
    • Arc の脆弱性
  • 周辺動向
    • Mnot による RSS の話
    • 特定環境で QUIC は遅いという論文
    • The State of ES5 on the Web
    • Igalia が Gecko に fetchpriority を入れた
    • Igalia: 2024 Mid-season Power Rankings
    • Rauchg が Ladybird に 5 万ドルを寄付
    • [作って学ぶ] ブラウザのしくみ
  • Cookie 動向