ep162 Monthly Platform 202409
- published_at
- 2024-09-30
- guest
- @myakura
- toc
第 162 回のテーマは 2024 年 9 月の Monthly Platform です。
Show Note
Chrome 動向
Stable: 129
New in Chrome 129
- https://developer.chrome.com/blog/new-in-chrome-129
- Break up long tasks with
- Animations with intrinsic sizes
- Changes to CSS anchor positioning
What's new in DevTools, Chrome 129
- https://developer.chrome.com/blog/new-in-devtools-129
- Recorder supports export to Puppeteer for Firefox
Performance panel improvements
- Live metrics observations
- Search requests in the Network track
- See stack traces of performance.mark and performance.measure calls
- Use test address data in the Autofill panel
Elements panel improvements
- Force more states for specific elements
- Elements > Styles now autocompletes more grid properties
- Lighthouse 12.2.0
- Miscellaneous highlights
- What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 129)
Chrome 130 beta
- https://developer.chrome.com/blog/chrome-130-beta
- CSS Container Queries flat tree lookup
- CSS Nesting: The nested declarations rule
- Full and unprefixed box-decoration-break support
- Allow more pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes after
Web APIs
- Attribution Reporting API feature (Attribution Scopes)
- Attribution Reporting API feature (debug key privacy improvement)
- Compression dictionary transport with shared Brotli and shared Zstandard
- Concurrent smooth scrollIntoView()
- Document picture-in-picture: add option to ignore window bounds cache
- Improved error reporting in IndexedDB for large value read failures
- Keyboard focusable scroll containers
- Protected Audience Bidding and Auction Services
- Support non-special scheme URLs
- WebAssembly JavaScript String Builtins
- WebGPU: Dual source blending
- Web Serial: connected attribute and RFCOMM connection events
Origin trials in progress
- Language Detector API
- WebAuthn attestationFormats
Deprecations and removals
- Remove expectedImprovement in DelegatedInkTrailPresenter
- Deprecate non-standard GPUAdapter requestAdapterInfo() method
Ship: @property support
syntax - Ship: Attribution Reporting Feature: Attribution Scopes
- Ship: Attribution Reporting Feature: Debug Key Privacy Improvement
Ship: CSS
- Ship: Capture all screens
- Ship: Dynamic safe area insets
- Ship: File System Access on Android and WebView
- Ship: Full and unprefixed box-decoration-break support
- Ship: WebAssembly JS String Builtins
- Ship: WebXr hand input module - Level 1
- Ship: RTCRtpEncodingParameters.scaleResolutionDownTo
- Ship: noopener-allow-popups COOP value
margin boxes - Ship: SVG foreignObject does not taint the canvas for blob URLs
- Ship: Support currentcolor in Relative Color Syntax
- Ship: WebAuthn signal API
- Ship: WebHID on Dedicated Workers
- Ship: Private Aggregation API: increase contribution limit to 100 for Protected Audience callers
- Ship: WebGPU: Clip Distances
- Prototype and Ship: Private State Token API Permissions Policy Default Allowlist Wildcard
Document-Policy: expect-no-linked-resources
Prototype: Popover invoker and anchor positioning improvements
- https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/Z5wK8e1f1g4
- Invoker relationship が implicit な anchor 作るとこまでが入る
- つまり anchor 指定しなくても invoker は anchor になる
- popover 以外の anchor の話はまだ
- https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/9144
- https://www.w3.org/2024/06/27-css-minutes.html#t02
- Prototype: Canvas Formatted Text
- Prototype: highlightsFromPoint API
- Prototype: WebHID on Dedicated Workers
- Prototype: CSS 'stretch' sizing keyword
Prototype: JPEG XL decoding support (image/jxl) in blink
- https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/WjCKcBw219k
- iPhone でのサポートや Firefox の position が代わりそうという報を受けて現状どうなってる?という質問が上がった
- Experiment: "is-cross-site" bit in the HTTP Cache Partitioning Key
- Experiment: Incorporating navigation initiator into the HTTP cache partition key
- Extend Experiment 2: Capture all screens
- Extend Experiment: FedCM Bundle 6: Continuation API, Parameters API, Fields API, Multiple configURLs, Custom account labels
- Extend Experiment: fetchLater API
- Extend Experiment: Page-Embedded Permission Control
Deprecate and Remove: Remove non-standard GPUAdapter
method - PSA: Add Permission modals for Keyboard and Pointer Lock
- PSA: migration to Wptrunner has started
- PSA: Exposing "duplex" on Request
- Web-Facing Change PSA: Improved error reporting in IndexedDB for large value read failures
- Ready for Developer Testing: Deprecate getters of Intl Locale Info
- Accessing hardware devices on the web
- Allow passkey reuse across your sites with Related Origin Requests
- Chrome ends support for First Input Delay
- New to the web platform in August
- Passkeys hackathon in Tokyo: Passkeys on IoT devices and more
- Tell us how you use CSS with the State of CSS survey
- Build responsible web experiences with generative AI
Submit your proposals for Interop 2025
- https://web.dev/blog/interop2025-proposals
- interop/2025/selection-process.md at main · web-platform-tests/interop · GitHub
- Mitigate cross-site scripting (XSS) with a strict Content Security Policy (CSP)
- Storage for the web
google for developers
- Updates to the Google Photos APIs: Picker API launch and Library API changes - Google Developers Blog
google developer japan blog
- Google Developers Japan: ポスト量子暗号: 標準と進展
chrome developer blog
What's missing from HTML and CSS?
- https://developer.chrome.com/blog/missing-from-css
The top ten requests
- Support for styling inputs
- Visually hidden
- position: sticky inside overflow:hidden
- Animate to height: auto
- Additional input types
- Real random numbers in CSS
- Mixin style classes
- Global styles in shadow DOM
- Dividing mixed units
- nth-letter
- 賛成かどうかのフォーム
- Introducing hints, Related Origin Requests and JSON serialization for WebAuthn in Chrome
Anchor positioning syntax changes
- https://developer.chrome.com/blog/anchor-syntax-changes
に改名position-try-fallbacks: inset-area(top)
はposition-try-fallbacks: top
- Introducing the Digital Credentials API origin trial
- The Keyboard Lock and the Pointer Lock APIs require permission from Chrome 130
Request for developer feedback: customizable select
- https://developer.chrome.com/blog/rfc-customizable-select
- Try it out and give us your feedback
- Opting-in to the new
- Breaking down the parts
Enhance the existing
element- Basic styling
- Complex content within options
- Style the selected option
- Interactive options
- Limitations and accessibility notes
- Bluetooth RFCOMM updates in Web Serial
- Chrome Experiment: Process sharing
- Freeze screen & inspect disappearing elements
- Monitor your local and real-user Core Web Vitals performance in DevTools
- Feedback needed: How should we define CSS masonry?
- Writer and rewriter APIs available for early preview
Sign up for the Language Detection API origin trial
- https://developer.chrome.com/blog/language-detection-origin-trial
- 読み込む AI Model の選択などのための言語の検出
The Web Vitals extension, now in DevTools
- https://developer.chrome.com/blog/web-vitals-extension
- WebVitals の拡張の全機能が DevTools に入った
- Caching Demystified: Inspect, Clear, and Disable Caches
- Chrome to sync passkeys on Google Password Manager between desktop and Android
What's missing from HTML and CSS?
- chromium blog
- canary
google security blog
- https://security.googleblog.com/
- Google Online Security Blog: Deploying Rust in Existing Firmware Codebases
- Google Online Security Blog: A new path for Kyber on the web
search blog
- https://developers.google.com/search/
- Supporting AVIF in Google Search
- v8
Rick Byers: "The Chromium commit tracker ca…" - Toot Café
- https://toot.cafe/@RickByers/113147935000806939
- Chromium へのコントリビューターの推移
Rick Byers: "The Chromium commit tracker ca…" - Toot Café
Firefox 動向
Stable: 130.0
Firefox 130.0, See All New Features, Updates and Fixes
- https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/130.0/releasenotes/
- 選択範囲の翻訳
- Firefox Labs で実験機能の UI を提供
Firefox 130 for developers - Mozilla | MDN
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Firefox/Releases/130
<details name>
- WebCodecs
- Fantastic Firefox Fixes - These Weeks in Firefox: Issue 167
- From ESR to Address Bar - These Weeks in Firefox: Issue 168
Take control of your browsing with Firefox's privacy and security features
- https://blog.mozilla.org/en/products/firefox/firefox-privacy-security-features/
- Total Cookie Protection
- Fingerprinting protection
- DNS over HTTPS
- HTTPS-Only mode
- Phishing and malware protection
- Alerts for breached websites
- Firefox Multi-Account Containers
Firefox Relay
- Get Firefox
- Related Articles
- Creating a public counterpoint for AI
- Firefox hacks for everyone: From cozy gamers to minimalists and beyond
Browsers, cookies and surfing the web: The quirky history of internet lingo
- Keep up with all things Firefox
- Ship: Regular Expression Modifiers
- Ship: CHIPS(Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State)
- Ship: HTMLVideoElement's requestVideoFrameCallback
- Ship: WebRender accelerated SVG filter graphs
- Ship: MediaStreamTrack::getCapabilities
- Ship: fetch priority
Prototype: Blocking third-party cookies
- https://groups.google.com/a/mozilla.org/g/dev-platform/c/9ILA7dMn_XA/m/14IfWWvADwAJ
- Spec として TAG の Finding が引用されている
- 2019 から Anti Tracking Policy に基づいて Known Tracker をブロックしてきたのが ETP
- 2022 から 3PC Partition したのが TCP
- しかしベンダ間でやってることは微妙に違った
- 全部ブロック + CHIPS がブラウザが目指す方向
- その互換性を高めるため、 CHIPS を出した
- これを踏まえ、いよいよ全部ブロックする
Prototype: CookieStore API
- https://groups.google.com/a/mozilla.org/g/dev-platform/c/OkoMESRn_uc
We plan to land a prototype that diverges from the official spec by the following points:
1. Only cookie names and values are shared via
methods. In this way, we do not expose more than whatdocument.cookie
already offers. -
2. We don't implement the
and theServiceWorkerGlobalScope.oncookiechange
event handler, with itsExtendableCookieChangeEvent
event because we don't want to spawn ServiceWorkers at any cookie change -
3. Following up on the previous point,
event handler is also exposed to ServiceWorkers.
- Prototype: Redeclarable global eval-introduced vars proposal
- Prototype: autocorrect HTML attribute
- Prototype: Promise.try
- Prototype and ship: CSS nested declarations rule
- Prototype and ship: CSS text-emphasis-position:auto
- Prototype and ship: interactive-widget
Unship: HTTP/2 Push
- https://groups.google.com/a/mozilla.org/g/dev-platform/c/vU9hJg343U8
- Firefox で HTTP/2 Push を利用しているサーバーが表示されないという報告がでた
- ヘッダーに大文字が入っていたのが原因
- 互換性の問題も出てきたこと、Chrome も削除したので Firefox でも削除する
- Unship: -moz-user-modify
- Changes to planned ESR 115 end-of-life
- Anti-Fingerprinting Telemetry
- Firefox WebDriver Newsletter 130 - Firefox Developer Experience
- Firefox DevTools Newsletter 130 - Firefox Developer Experience
MDN / Open Web Docs
- Locale-sensitive text segmentation in JavaScript with Intl.Segmenter
- Efficient data handling with the Streams API
- Get back to school! Supercharge your learning with MDN and Scrimba
Standard Position
- 今月 Close された Issue と PR ものをみる
- DOM State-preserving move (
) - FileSystemObserver
- MediaStreamTrackProcessor and VideoTrackGenerator
- No-Vary-Search
- Style Container Queries (for custom properties)
- Transferable RTCDataChannel
- WebRTC Codec selection API
- css-ui
property - fetchLater() API
- DOM State-preserving move (
- FYI Private State Token API Permissions Policy Default Allowlist Wildcard
- Isolated Web Apps
Firefox will consider a Rust implementation of JPEG-XL by bholley · Pull Request #1064 · mozilla/standards-positions
- https://github.com/mozilla/standards-positions/pull/1064
- JPEG XL の実装を再検討する
- Google の JPEG XL のチームが Rust によるデコーダーの実装を提案したため
Firefox will consider a Rust implementation of JPEG-XL by bholley · Pull Request #1064 · mozilla/standards-positions
1.3 Million Subtests
- https://bkardell.com/blog/1_3M-WPTMilestone.html
- Servo が WPT 73% を突破
- 他と異なり Gecko / KHTML 由来ではないエンジンとして急成長中
Safari 動向
Stable: 18.0
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 203 | WebKit
- https://webkit.org/blog/15860/release-notes-for-safari-technology-preview-203/
- Added support for scrollbar-gutter.
- Added support for cursor in ::marker.
- Added support for ruby-overhang.
- Added support for Iterator.prototype.constructor and Iterator.prototype[@@toStringTag].
- Added support for Iterator.from from Iterator Helpers Proposal.
- Remove obsoleted Temporal.Instant API.
- Added support for allowing websites to override the system-default accessibility caption styling.
- Parse dir member of Web Application Manifest.
- Added support for return_call_ref.
Web Inspector
- Added support for sourcemaps to be blackboxed.
- Added support for showing boundThis for arrow functions in the console.
WebKit Features in Safari 18.0 | WebKit
- https://webkit.org/blog/15865/webkit-features-in-safari-18-0/
New in Safari 18
Distraction Control
- 邪魔なバナーやポップアップを非表示にする
- 動画をフルスクリーンで見れたり
iPhone Mirroring and remote inspection
- Mac から iPhone を使ってデバッグが簡単に
Distraction Control
Web apps for Mac
Opening links
- インストールされたアプリが優先で開く
Extension support
- アプリでも拡張が使える
Opening links
- View Transitions
- Style Queries
- currentcolor and system color keywords in Relative Color Syntax
Translucent accent colors
- アクセントカラーでアルファの指定
- Animating display
- Backdrop Filter
- Content visibility
And more
- prefers-contrast
Spatial Web
- WebXR
- Spatial photos and panoramas
- Shaping interaction regions on visionOS
- Video on visionOS
- Writing Suggestions
<input switch>
- Date and time inputs
- aria-braillelabel
- aria-brailleroledescription
- RegExp の v flag
- PopStateEvent's hasUAVisualTransition
- subresource integrity in imported module
- Request, Response, Blob, PushMessageDate に
- URL.parse
- Canvas
Managed Media Source
- MMS, MSE の worker サポート
- WebRTC
- Auto Upgrade Mixed Contents (lv2)
- WebGL
- Web Inspector
- Passkeys
- Safari Extensions
- Apple Pay
- Canvas
- deprecate JPEG2000
- UA 見て返してる CDN は注意
- JavaScript
- Media
- AppCache 削除
- Web API
- WebView
Bug Fixes and more
- Accessibility
- Animations
- Apple Pay
- Authentication
- Canvas
- Editing
- Forms
- History
- JavaScript
- Loading
- Media
- Networking
- Rendering
- Scrolling
- Security
- Text
- Web Animations
- Web API
- Web Apps
- Web Assembly
- Web Extensions
- Web Inspector
- Web Views
- WebDriver
- WebRTC
- Get Ready for Interop 2025: Your Chance to Shape the Web | WebKit
Standard Positions
- 今月 Close されたものをみる
- CSS background-clip
- CSS Shape function
iPhone 16 Pro Supports JPEG-XL Format - MacRumors
- https://www.macrumors.com/2024/09/09/iphone-16-pro-supports-jpeg-xl-format/
- iPhone 16 Pro シリーズでは ProRaw フォーマットで JPEG XL が使えるようになった
Edge 動向
Stable: 129
- ここがメイン
- ここでも見れる
- これを見るしか無い
- Looking forward to an Interop 2025 that addresses your top needs - Microsoft Edge Blog
- Taking control of your browser performance when using extensions with Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Edge Blog
- Tame your workday with Microsoft Edge for Business - Microsoft Edge Blog
Welcome to Fall, I guess? - text/plain
- https://textslashplain.com/2024/09/16/welcome-to-fall-i-guess/
Two months without a blog post? Sheesh. A lot has happened in two months, although perhaps nothing especially interesting.
- Recommendation
- Proposed Recommendation
- Candidate Recommendation
- Working Draft
First Public Working Draft
- CSS Grid Layout Module Level 3
- CSS Values and Units Module
Open UI
- https://github.com/openui/open-ui/tree/main/meetings/telecon
open-ui/meetings/telecon/2024-09-05.md at main · openui/open-ui
- https://github.com/openui/open-ui/blob/main/meetings/telecon/2024-09-05.md
- [interest invokers] Touch inputs #1052
- [select] removing pseudo element for fallback button #1086
open-ui/meetings/telecon/2024-09-12.md at main · openui/open-ui
- https://github.com/openui/open-ui/blob/main/meetings/telecon/2024-09-12.md
- [interest invokers] Touch inputs #1052
- Extend popovertarget to support custom elements #1088
- [select] keyboard behavior #1087
[CSSWG]OpenUI-WHATWG/HTML-CSSWG Meeting 2024-09-19
- https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2024Sep/0019.html
- RESOLVED: Add the principles and examples of use to css-forms-1
- RESOLVED: Add fantasai and ntim as editors of css-forms-1
- RESOLVED: Do not add a pseudo-element for the user-agent fallback
- RESOLVED: Font properties won't be set in the UA style sheet (Issue
- There was interest in expanding the PR for WHATWG issue #10317
Meeting 7 for joint OpenUI-WHATWG/HTML-CSSWG task force on styleable form controls
- https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/10582
- Stylable form control
WHATNOT meeting
- https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+WHATNOT+meeting
Upcoming WHATNOT meeting on 2024-09-05 · Issue #10589 · whatwg/html
- https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/10589
- Stylable Select
Upcoming WHATNOT meeting on 2024-09-12 · Issue #10601 · whatwg/html
- https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/10601
- Dynamic import maps
- Stylable Select
- Upcoming WHATNOT meeting on 2024-09-19 · Issue #10622 · whatwg/html
TPAC 2024 meeting · Issue #326 · whatwg/meta
- https://github.com/whatwg/meta/issues/326
- 来月 minutes を見る
- Consortium Members elect Board of Directors
- W3C announces Sylvia Cadena as inaugural Chief Development Officer
Fonts, Privacy, and Not Breaking the Web
- https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2024Sep/0023.html
- ローカルフォントを読まないと表示できない言語などについてのレポート
TC39 動向
- Meeting Note が公開された時だけやる、それ以外はやらない。
Proposals Diff
- 0->1
- 1->2
- 2->2.7
- 2.7->3
- 3->4
New Proposals
- https://github.com/wintercg/admin/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3Ameeting
- 2024-09-19 meeting · Issue #72 · wintercg/admin
- 2024-09-05 meeting · Issue #67 · wintercg/admin
- https://javascript.tm/
- Oracle は JS の商標を持っている
- しかし JS は一般用語になった
- ちゃんと放棄してくれないと面倒だからパブリックにしろ
- という署名
- Summary of the July-August 2024 TC39 plenary
- RFC 9659 on Window Sizing for Zstandard Content Encoding
- Work
- Protocol Action: 'Compression Dictionary Transport' to Proposed Standard
- Meeting
CDN 動向
- NIST's first post-quantum standards
Introducing Speed Brain: helping web pages load 45% faster
- https://blog.cloudflare.com/introducing-speed-brain/
- Speculation Rules
- A Look at Global CDN Performance in China | Fastly
gaining access to anyones browser without them even visiting a website - eva's site
- https://kibty.town/blog/arc/
- Arc の脆弱性
- CVE-2024-45489 Response - Arc
- https://arc.net/blog/CVE-2024-45489-incident-response
- What RSS Needs
Home | International World Wide Web Conference 2024 ( WWW2024 | The Web Conf 2024 )
- https://www2024.thewebconf.org/
- QUIC is not quick enough over fast internet | Hacker News
- QUIC is not Quick Enough over Fast Internet
- [Video] Nix explained from the ground up - surma.dev
The State of ES5 on the Web - Philip Walton
- https://philipwalton.com/articles/the-state-of-es5-on-the-web/
- もう ES5 へのトランスパイルなんかする必要ないよ
- Generated Web Apps
- Masonry and good defaults - Rachel Andrew
- Interop 2025 Opens for Proposals | Igalia
- Maintaining Chromium downstream: update strategies - José Dapena blog
My recent contributions to Gecko (3/3) · Frédéric Wang
- https://frederic-wang.fr//2024/09/05/my-recent-contributions-to-gecko-fetch-priority/
- Gecko に Fetch Priority を実装した
- Graphics improvements in WebKitGTK and WPEWebKit 2.46 | Carlos Garcia Campos
Igalia: 2024 Mid-season Power Rankings
- https://bkardell.com/blog/2024-Midseason.html
- Igalia がどのくらい貢献したか
- Announcing BCD Watch - Eric's Archived Thoughts
- Rauchg が Ladybird に 5 万ドルを寄付
- [作って学ぶ] ブラウザのしくみ──HTTP、HTML、CSS、JavaScript の裏側
Cookie 動向
9 月
- 7: Web Developer Conference 2024 - connpass
- 23-27: TPAC 2024 Anaheim
- 10 月
11 月
- 02-08: IETF 121 Dublin
Wrap Up
- Chrome
- scheduler.yield()
- animations with intrinsic sizes
130 beta
- CSS Nesting: Nested Declarations rule
- Compression dict with shared Brotli/Zstandard
- font-variant-emoji
- currentcolor in RCS
- Document-Policy: expect-no-linked-resources
- Popover invoker and anchor positioning
- highlightsFromPoint
- Chrome ends support for FID
- Interop 2025
Chrome Developers
- What's missing from HTML and CSS
- Customizable select
- CSS masonry
Google Security Blog
- new path for Kyber
other blogs
- AVIF in Google Search
- Chromium contributors chart
<details name>
- WebCodecs
- Regex modifiers
- requestVideoFrameCallback
- Fetch Priority
- blocking third-party cookies
- CookieStore API
- autocorrect
- Promise.try
- CSS Nested Declarations Rule
- interactive-widget
other intents
- unship HTTP/2 Push
Standard Position
- No-Vary-Search
- Style Queries
- fetchLater()
- Servo passing 1.3M wpt tests
TP 203
- scrollbar-gutter
- ruby-overhang
- Iterator helpers
New in Safari 18
- Distraction Control
- Web apps
- View Transitions
- Style Queries
- currentcolor in RCS
- Animating display
- content-visibility
Spatial Web
- WebXR
- writingsuggestion
- bytes()
- document.fragmentDirective
- URL.parse()
New in Safari 18
Standard Position
- CSS background-clip
- Shape function
- iPhone 16 で JPEG-XL サポート
TP 203
- Interop 2025
- 来月
- CSS Grid Layout Module Level 3
- CSS Values and Units Module
- Invoker touch events
WHATNOT meeting
- Stylable Select 周り
- Fonts, Privacy, and Not Breaking the Web
- Oracle が持つ JavaScript の商標の話
- Oracle が持つ JavaScript の商標の話
- WinterCG
- RFC 9659 on Window Sizing for Zstandard Content Encoding
CDN 動向
- Cloudflare が Speculation Rules を入れた話
- Arc の脆弱性
- Mnot による RSS の話
- 特定環境で QUIC は遅いという論文
- The State of ES5 on the Web
- Igalia が Gecko に fetchpriority を入れた
- Igalia: 2024 Mid-season Power Rankings
- Rauchg が Ladybird に 5 万ドルを寄付
- [作って学ぶ] ブラウザのしくみ
- Cookie 動向