ep157 Monthly Platform 202407



第 157 回のテーマは 2024 年 7 月の Monthly Platform です。

Show Note

Chrome 動向

Stable: 127


  • New in Chrome 127
  • What's new in DevTools, Chrome 127
    • https://developer.chrome.com/blog/new-in-devtools-127
    • Inspect CSS anchor positioning in the Elements panel
    • Sources panel improvements
      • Enhanced 'Never Pause Here'
      • New scroll snap event listeners
    • Network panel improvements
      • Updated network throttling presets
      • Service worker information in custom fields of the HAR format
    • Send and receive WebSocket events in the Performance panel
  • What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 127)
  • Chrome 128 beta
    • https://developer.chrome.com/blog/chrome-128-beta
    • CSS
      • CSS ruby-align property
      • Line-breakable ruby
      • Minimum size of <option> within <select> dropdown
      • Standardized CSS zoom property
    • Web APIs
      • Additions to Attribution Reporting
      • AudioContext.onerror
      • Cross-site ancestor chain bit for CookiePartitionKey of partitioned cookies
      • document.caretPositionFromPoint
      • PointerEvent.deviceProperties for Multi-Pen Inking
      • Private Aggregation API: client-side contribution merging
      • Promise.try
      • SkipAd media session action
      • WebAuthn hints
      • Write image/svg+xml content in UTF-8 format on Windows
      • Web Share API on macOS
    • New origin trials
      • Deprecate for Private Network Access (PNA)
      • Digital Credentials API
      • FedCM multiple identity providers in single get() call
      • FedCM: Button Mode for Chrome on Android
      • FedCM: Continuation API bundle for Chrome on Android
      • Disable standardized CSS zoom
      • WebGPU Subgroups experimentation
    • Deprecations and removals
      • There are no deprecations or removals planned for Chrome 128.



Firefox 動向

Stable: 128




MDN / Open Web Docs

Standard Position


Safari 動向

Stable: 17.6


Standard Positions


Edge 動向

Stable: 127





  • Recommendation
  • Proposed Recommendation
  • Candidate Recommendation
  • Working Draft
  • First Public Working Draft


  • https://github.com/openui/open-ui/tree/main/meetings/telecon
  • OpenUI-WHATWG/HTML-CSSWG Meeting 2024-07-25
  • Open UI Telecon, June 27, 2024
    • Welcome back... and, no meeting next week due to holiday conflicts
    • [select] as an alternative to split buttons and <button type=popover> #1063
    • [interest invokers] How to define/control the action on "losing interest" #1064
    • Introduction to Foundation for the Global Design System component library #1066
  • Open UI Telecon, July 11, 2024
    • Foundation for the Global Design System component library #1066
    • Toggle Button Proposal #1058
    • [invokers] should we pursue proposing method names to match invoke actions? #954
  • Open UI Telecon, July 25, 2024
    • [invokers] should we pursue proposing method names to match invoke actions? #954
    • [invokers] Casing for action values #969
    • Foundation for the Global Design System component library #1066


  • Upcoming WHATNOT meeting on 7/4/2024
    • https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/10441
    • Review past action items
      • 1a. Mason to post a proposal for moving forward with Invoker Buttons
      • Done.
    • Carryovers from last time
      • 2a. Emilio to collect compat data and propose a spec PR for min/max in [forms] Number input intrinsic size.
        • The spec has some text to this regard already. Only question is whether we want to make size apply to number inputs. If so, happy to write a PR.
      • 2b. Emilio to work on pulling out the common points for iframe throttling into the issue about Consider improving interoperability of <iframe> throttling margins, and maybe a spec PR.
        • Waiting to get review on a Gecko patch that implements what would be my formal proposal, in order to confirm it is web-compatible.
    • New topics
      • [Anne] Severing a document's opener relationship regardless of origin
      • <input type=color> enhancements
  • Upcoming WHATNOT meeting on 2024-07-11
    • https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/10463
    • Review past action items
      • None
    • Carryovers from last time
      • None.
    • New topics
      • [Anne] Enhance <input type=color> with alpha and colorspace=display-p3
        • Domenic will ping Mason/Joey for implementation interest from Chromium. Kagami will ask Emilio/Olli to chime in.
      • [Keith] Tie in AbortControllers with CustomElements
        • The discussion will continue on the issue. Keith will summarize the proposed options and tradeoffs.
      • [Daniel/Freddy] Upstreaming from the Sanitizer API
        • Consensus in the room that this is ready for stage 2.
  • Upcoming WHATNOT meeting on 2024-07-18
    • https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/10471
    • Review past action items
      • Domenic will ping Mason/Joey for implementation interest from Chromium on Enhance <input type=color> with alpha and colorspace=display-p3. Kagami will ask Emilio/Olli to chime in.
        • Joey and Emilio are positive about the proposal.
      • Keith will summarize the options and tradeoffs on Tie in AbortControllers with CustomElements.
        • Done. Anne will move it to the DOM repo and Keith will update the title.
    • Carryovers from last time
      • None.
    • New topics
      • [Yoav] Severing a document's opener relationship regardless of origin
        • Yoav will ask Artur and Arthur to comment on the issue.
      • [Andrew] redact location.ancestorOrigins according to Referrer Policy
        • Chris will find someone from Chromium to look into this. Anne thinks the WebKit behavior can be changed. If Chromium is on board, we will need someone to step up with a concrete proposal to review.
      • [Keith] [Proposal] Invoker Buttons - allowing popover/dialog and more to be invoked without JS
        • Keith will switch to use "source". Discussed various options around naming, and consensus is for the name to start with a single dash. Agreed to only support <button> for now.
      • [Michael] "Fragment serializing algorithm" outputs node itself instead of its contents for elements in non-HTML documents
        • Luke has some precursory work that will move things forward here.
  • Upcoming WHATNOT meeting on 2024-07-25


TC39 動向


  • Meeting Note が公開された時だけやる、それ以外はやらない。
  • 2024-06
    • https://github.com/tc39/notes/tree/main/meetings/2024-06
    • JSON Modules
      • assert の unship が終わって with (attributes) がくれば stage 4 になる
    • Float16Array
      • みんな実装中
    • Decorators and Decorator Metadata
      • 仕様も Stage3 で test262 もほぼでき
      • 実装があつまるようなら 2.7 に戻す必要も特にない
      • 実装待ち
    • Regex Expression Pattern Modifiers
      • インラインでフラグを部分的に変えるやつ
      • 2 年前に Stage 3, Test262 が完成
      • 実装中
    • Explicit Resource Management
      • 実装中
      • テストも作成中
    • Promise.try for Stage 3
      • Test262 完成
      • Stage 3 へ
    • RegExp Escaping
      • 2.7 へ
    • ShadowRealm Update
      • HTML integration が進んでる
      • more feedback を求めてる
      • "confidentiality" でもめてる
      • WPT 書くのむずそう
    • Joint Iteration for Stage 2.7
    • Temporal Stage 3 update and scope reduction

Proposals Diff

New Proposals


WinterCG 動向

  • Meeting や大きな動きがあった月だけやる






CDN 動向







Wrap Up

  • Chrome
    • 127
    • 128 beta
      • CSS ruby-align / line-breakable ruby
      • <option> minimum size
      • CSS zoom
      • Promise.try
    • Ship
      • inset-area -> position-area
      • position-try-options -> position-try-fallbacks
      • interpolate-size property & calc-size()
      • Isolated Web Apps
    • Prototype
      • currentcolor in RCS
      • iOS Chrome の UA 文字列に iOS のパッチバージョンを追加
      • Sanitizer API
      • HTML handwriting attribute
    • other intents
      • Intl.DurationFormat ready for developer testing
    • web.dev
      • Interop 2024 mid-year update
    • Google Developer Blog
      • goo.gl
    • Chrome Developers
      • misconceptions about view transitions
    • Chromium blog
    • other blogs
      • Entrust distrust


    • other
      • Markdown import/export in Google Docs (Workspace)
  • Firefox
    • 128
      • PPA experiment
      • @property
      • Relative Color Syntax
      • content プロパティの代替テキスト
    • Ship
      • Iterator Helpers
    • Prototype
      • CSS stretch keyword
    • MDN Blog
      • MDN HTTP Obsevatory
    • other
      • PPA の実験で炎上
  • Safari
    • TP 198
    • TP 199
      • Uint8Array.toBase64()
    • 17.6
      • Safe alignment in Flexbox
    • blog
      • Private Browsing 2.0
    • Standard Position
      • support
        • Trusted Types
    • other
      • rniwa さん WebKit contribution 15 年
  • Edge
    • 特になし
    • Open/UI
      • meetings
      • WHATNOT
    • Other
      • TAG on third-party cookies
  • TC39
    • Decorator (Metadata) 実装待ち
    • RegExp.escape / Promise.try Stage 3
    • ShadowRealm がむずそう
    • Temporal スコープ狭めて Stage3
  • WinterCG
  • IETF
    • IETF120
    • Communicating Proxy Configurations in Provisioning Domains by Apple
    • Revising Cookies (again) で RFC6265bis のカバーできてない話
  • CDN 動向
  • セキュリティ動向
    • 悪意のあるコードが入った jQuery 同梱パッケージ
    • Authy ハッキング
    • AT&T で大規模情報漏洩
    • Let's Encrypt OCSP 辞める
    • CrowdStrike で世界中の Windows がブルースクリーン
    • Apple ソーシャルエンジニアリング攻撃への啓蒙
    • ニコ動 8/5 再開
  • 周辺動向
    • Open Internet Governance
    • Ladybird
    • Netscape ができたころの昔話
    • WebView 2 の Mac/Linux 展開やめる
    • Alex Russel 先生 TAG へん怒りブログ
  • Cookie 動向
    • Privacy Sandbox の方針変更