ep154 Monthly Platform 202406



第 154 回のテーマは 2024 年 6 月の Monthly Platform です。

Show Note

Chrome 動向

Stable: 126


  • Chrome 126
    • https://developer.chrome.com/release-notes/126
    • CSS
      • Cross-document view transitions for same-origin navigations
    • Web APIs
      • Gamepad API trigger-rumble extension
      • ChromeOS tabbed web apps
      • toJSON() method for GeolocationCoordinates and GeolocationPosition
      • WebGLObject Web IDL superinterface
      • Re-enabling the CloseWatcher API and close requests for dialog and popover=""
    • Attribution Reporting API: Referrer policy for attributionsrc requests
    • Media
      • MP4 container support for MediaRecorder
      • OpusEncoderConfig signal and application parameters
    • JavaScript
      • visualViewport onscrollend support
    • Privacy
      • Align navigator.cookieEnabled with spec
    • Accessibility
      • Support for the UI Automation Accessibility Framework on Windows
    • New origin trials
      • FedCM as a trust signal for the Storage Access API
      • Media previews opt-out
      • FedCM: Continuation API, Parameters API, Fields API, Multiple configURLs, Custom Account Labels
      • Page-Embedded Permission Control
    • Deprecations and removals
      • Dreprecate and remove import assertion 'assert' syntax
  • New in Chrome 126
  • Chrome 127 beta
    • https://developer.chrome.com/blog/chrome-127-beta
    • CSS
      • CSS font-size-adjust
      • Multi-argument alt text in CSS generated content
      • Support for view transitions in iframes
    • Web APIs
      • Additions to Attribution Reporting
      • Automatic fullscreen content setting
      • Document picture-in-picture: propagate user activation
      • Importmap integrity
      • Keyboard focusable scroll containers
      • No-Vary-Search support for prerender
      • Video Chapter in MediaMetadata
      • WebGPU: GPUAdapter info attribute
    • Origin trials in progress
      • Compression dictionary transport with Shared Brotli and Shared Zstandard
      • Deprecate for Private Network Access (PNA)
      • Deprecate third-party cookies
      • Partitioning Storage, Service Workers, and Communication APIs
      • Keyboard focusable scroll containers deprecation trial
    • Deprecations and removals
      • Mutation events
      • Restrict "private network requests" for subresources from public websites to secure contexts
      • Remove old CSS custom state syntax
  • What's new in DevTools, Chrome 126
    • https://developer.chrome.com/blog/new-in-devtools-126
    • Performance panel improvements
      • Move and hide tracks with updated track configuration mode
      • Ignore scripts in the flame chart
      • Throttle down the CPU by 20 times
    • Performance insights panel will be deprecated
    • Paste entire header strings to override them
    • Find excessive memory usage with new filters in heap snapshots
    • Inspect storage buckets in Application > Storage
    • Disable self-XSS warnings with a command-line flag
    • Lighthouse 12.0.0
      • PWA の項目が削除
  • What's New in WebGPU (Chrome 126)



Firefox 動向

Stable: 127.0




MDN / Open Web Docs

Standard Position


Safari 動向

Stable: 17.5


Standard Positions


Edge 動向






Open UI

TC39 動向


Proposals Diff

New Proposals


  • ECMAScript ® 2024 Language Specification
    • https://tc39.es/ecma262/2024/
    • RegExp v flag
    • Promise.withResolvers
    • Object/Map.groupBy
    • Atomics.waitAsync
    • String.prototype.isWellFormed
    • String.prototype.toWellFormed






CDN 動向






  • Masonry and reading order - Rachel Andrew
  • (令和 6 年 6 月 12 日)「スマートフォンにおいて利用される特定ソフトウェアに係る競争の促進に関する法律」の成立について | 公正取引委員会
    • https://www.jftc.go.jp/houdou/pressrelease/2024/jun/240612_digitaloffice.html
    • 公布から 1 年半以内の施行
    • 指定事業者以外の ブラウザエンジンの利用禁止

    • 自社のブラウザエンジンの利用を条件とするなど、他のブラウザエンジンの利用を妨げてはならない。【第 8 条第 3 号】

    • ※正当化事由あり

    • 指定事業者のサービスのデフォルト設定

    • ブラウザや検索等について、他の同種のサービスの選択肢を示す選択画面を表示しなければならない。【第 12 条第 1 号ロ、第 2 号ロ】

  • State of JavaScript 2023
  • Perplexity AI CEO Aravind Srinivas on plagiarism accusations - Fast Company
  • So You Want To Build A Browser Engine
    • https://robert.ocallahan.org/2024/06/browser-engine.html
    • 元 Mozilla の Robert O'Callahan によるポスト
    • ブラウザを作るにも、セキュリティやパフォーマンスの要件が厳しいよと
    • Site Isolation 、メインスレッドでの JavaScript 実行、ページ読み込み、スクロールなど様々な課題がある


Wrap Up

  • Chrome
    • 126
      • cross-document view transitions
      • chromeos tabbed web apps
      • navigator.cookieEnabled spec alignment
      • deprecate import assertions 'assert'
    • 127 beta
      • multi-argument alt text in css content
      • view transitions in iframes
      • importmap integrity
      • compression dictionary transport with shared brotli and shared zstandard
      • deprecate for PNA
    • Ship
      • snap events
      • document.caretPositionFromPoint
      • line-breakable ruby
      • aria-rowindextext/aria-colindextext
    • Prototype
      • CSS Masonry
      • sideways writing modes
      • background mask/segmentation
      • canvas placeElement()
    • Experiment
      • digital credential API
      • reverse origin trial for CSS zoom
    • PSA
      • Windows default CJK fonts
    • other intents
      • Rust-based font stack
      • BlinkOn 19 in October
    • web.dev
    • Google Developer Blog
    • Chrome Developers
      • PEPC
    • Chromium blog
      • Manifest V2 deprecation
    • other blogs
      • Entrust cert distrust
    • other
      • how chromium's cookies get evicted
      • Chrome tech talk night (passkeys)
  • Firefox
    • 127
      • Set methods
      • Mixed content autoupgrade
      • clipboard.read()/write()
    • Ship
      • @property
      • relative color syntax
      • Float16Array
      • -webkit-font-smoothing
    • Prototype
      • popover=hint
      • field-sizing
      • Privacy-preserving attribution
    • unship
      • navigator.vibrate()
    • other intents
    • MDN Blog
    • Standard Position
      • positive
        • :visited partitioning
        • scheduler.yield()
        • styling details
      • neutral
        • unsanitized HTML in clipboard
      • defer
        • IPA
    • other
      • AI sidebar in Nightly
      • HTTPS Upgrade in Nightly
      • planned deprecation of Chrome DevTools Protocol
      • help improve Mozilla Root Store Policy
      • Privacy Priserving Digital Advertising
      • Entrust incidents
  • Safari
    • WWDC
      • Spatial Web
      • Passkey
    • 18 beta
      • View Transitions
      • Stile Queries
      • animating display
      • content-visibility
      • writingsuggestion
      • input date/datetime-local
      • deprecations
    • TP 196, 197
      • bugfix
    • blog
      • Spatial Web on visionOS 2
    • Standard Position
      • Support
        • details/summary CSS
        • View Transition Classes
      • Withdrawn
        • IPA
        • Fullscreen popup
    • other
      • Apple Intelligence をクラウドで使う処理
      • Blind Signature / OHTTP を使用
  • Edge
    • Edge の React UI を WebComponents に置き換え
    • Draft
    • Open/UI
      • invoker の command への rename
      • Toggle Button Proposal
      • Global Design System
    • Other
      • Compression Standard
      • W3C AB election result
  • TC39
    • ES2024
  • WinterCG
  • IETF
    • Compression Dictionary Transport の WGLC
  • CDN 動向
    • Cloudflare
      • polyfill.io の URL 自動書き換え
    • Fastly
      • RPKI の話
      • Chrome の Safe Browsing で OHTTP
      • Linux Foundation に 4000 万ドル寄付
      • 開発者向け無料アカウント
  • セキュリティ動向
    • KADOKAWA のランサムウェア
    • Polyfill.io のサプライチェインアタック
    • 国民のためのサイバーセキュリティサイト
  • 周辺動向
    • Masonry の説明と reading-order-items の話
    • 公正取引委員会によるスマホの独占禁止法制定
    • State of JS 2023
    • Perplexity が robots.txt を無視して炎上
    • ブラウザを作りたい人へのアドバイス
  • Cookie 動向